Analysis of Czech Genomes for Theranostics
Analysis of Czech Genomes for Theranostics (abbreviated as A-C-G-T, No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_026/0008448) is an inter-institutional genomic project solved in the years 2019-2023. Its aim is to sequence whole genomes of 1,000-1,500 healthy Czechs and create a publicly available reference database of genomic variants in the general population. Making this data public will enhance population studies and also the decision-making on the pathogenicity of variants by taking into account their nation-specific character. Thus, the resulting database will contribute to improving human molecular research and diagnostics in the Czech Republic as well as Central Europe.
The international significance and cross-border usage of Czech results are ensured through our involvement in several European initiatives, such as the declaration on genomics cooperation called “Towards access to at least 1 million sequenced genomes in the EU by 2022” (1+MG), a project “Beyond One Million Genomes” (B1MG), or the genomic group “Signatories of the Declaration” set up by the European Commission. Such involvement enables us to keep up with recent advancements and recommendations and ensures our access to the latest-published genomic data.
More information about the international initiatives we are members of can be found here: